The Smoothie diet 21 day Rapid Weight Loss progham

Delicious, Easy-To-Make Smoothies For Rapid Weight Loss, Increased Energy, & Incredible Health!


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Top Tricks to Make Your Smoothie More Exciting!

Once you've added the liquid, the base, the fruits and veggies and blended them all into a smooth drink, you might think that your smoothie would be complete. And it could be, sure, but if what you want is to get more inventive and creative and make something surely memorable and surely healthy, then you can as a replacement start experimenting with a couple of exciting extra ingredients, tricks and tweaks.

Here are a couple of ideas to get you started…

Herbs and Spices

You can add a herb on top of your smoothie as a garnish or drop it in so as to make it more interesting and add a cool flavor. Mint leaves are particularly generalized and will go extremely well with green smoothies (for a mojito-like effect) and also milky ones.

Better yet are spices. Cinnamon and vanilla are spices that can add a small sweetness and that might seem such as a more logical decision for a smoothie but you can additionally get more adventurous and add cooking spices to your smoothies. Why not give your smoothie a spicy kick with a small cayenne pepper? This will make it spicier but it will additionally act as a thermogenic; expanding your heartrate and thus expanding your calorie burn!


If you're seeking for a sweetener, then honey is a great decision. Sure, honey contains sugar and won't work that well in a low calorie or low-sugar diet. But it's also extremely healthy in a couple of other ways, potentially fighting inflammation and definitely acting as a great hangover cure and a good source of antioxidants.


If you wish to commit an exciting smoothie for summer, then consider ice. You can add this at the end to have your smoothie fit around blocks of ice, or you can blend the ice to originate a slushy. Either way, this will be a extremely nice alternative to chill your drink as well as a fun alternative to make it a small like an icecream – superb for kids.

This too can actually optimize your metabolism as your body attempts to warm itself keep a copy. And what's more, is that ice is a great alternative to wake yourself up in the morning!

Protein Shake

Add protein shake to your smoothie if what you want is to turn it into a muscle building tonic. Protein shakes taste superb in milk-based smoothies and in smoothies with bananas or strawberries in special. This will help you to regain from training and could be useful as a alternative to reduce your diet in other areas as a quasi-meal substitution and thereby lose weight in addition.


If you wish to garnish your smoothie with something pretty, then sprinkling some nuts on top could be a great alternative to do so. You can add walnuts for a chistmassy smoothie for example and this can add to the look of the smoothie while additionally providing extra healthy fats, magnesium, zinc and protein!

Get creative and think about what else you can do to make your smoothie more exciting!